
The 包容性领袖计划 is a pilot leadership development program from the Office of Student Belonging and Inclusive Excellence. 该计划的目标是 first-years, sophomores, and juniors who are interested in leveling-up their leadership with an inclusive lens. The program will invite guest speakers from campus, 奥斯汀社区, and alumni to cover important aspects of what it means to be a leader that helps inspire a sense of belonging. Program participants will gain practical skills, 包括冲突管理, 诚信领导, and how to be an agent of positive social change.

在节目结束时, participants will be invited to share their lessons learned and will receive a certificate of completion. The pilot cohort will be limited to 15 students, so applicants are encouraged to thoughtfully answer the questions below and to ensure that they are able to attend the meeting dates. All sessions will take place on-campus. 

应用在这里. Applications are due on Sunday, February 11th at 11:59PM. 问题? 电子邮件ezamora2@stewmoore.com.

The Multicultural Leadershup Board marches in the Austin MLK Celebration
圣路易斯市的黑人学生. 爱德华的 gather for a photo during the university's Black 毕业 celebration

Student 领导 Development for a More Just World
The office hosts multiple opportunities for student leadership development through service to SEU and Austin, 以及, paid and unpaid employment and internships. 学生领导, 体验式学习的一种形式, intentionally broadens students’ world views and prepares them to live a meaningful life and work in diverse settings with people from different backgrounds and experiences. It is important to us that we provide students with customized challenge and support, meeting them where they are and encouraging them to become more self aware, 形成一个有意识的头脑和心灵, committed to making a positive difference in the world.

A student leader position serves as “Chair of Student Belonging” and oversees the direction of our student-led initiatives. This position helps helps to ensure the many opportunities for student leadership development and experiential learning remain student-centric and are created by students, 为学生. A different student leader position serves as “Chair of Inclusive Excellence” and oversees the promotion and coordination of programs. 学生领导能力发展, 以及 peer-to-peer education and mentoring and supervision are critical methods of successful student engagement and experiential learning and requires students are “at the table” in order to inform and sustain the complex work we do.

Student office staff support the mission and purpose of the Office of Student Belonging and Inclusive Excellence by helping professional staff deliver a welcoming environment for all students visiting the office and keeping us organized! Check and see if we’re hiring right now through Hilltop 职业生涯.

Sponsored student organization executive board leaders are provided with mentoring and training that prepares them to lead their student organizations and offers transferable skills for the workplace post graduation. You can learn more about those specific organizations and their events in CollegiateLink.